The Global Elders II

This followup to investigation of "Sir" Richard Branson and his recently enthroned Global Elders begins with an excerpt from the online Telegraph Magazine article The Power of Twelve.
Part I suggested that the Elders were a thin cover for more of what both the "Left" and "Right" of the Western World -- and especially America and Great Britain -- have been preparing us for over the past century: total and willing submission to the onrushing "kind and egalitarian" pagan matriarchy (redundant, but worth emphasizing.)
The Twelve of the New Matriarchy opposes the Apostles, is one obvious reading.
Certainly, the first thought in regard to Richard Branson is covert operative.
Ultimately, though, it doesn't matter which, if any, of the Elders and their functionaries are compromised. The cunning, sinuous, feelgood message under their rhetoric is: the planet's a disaster, men have failed, it's Woman's Millennium Now.
Read on.
From The Power of Twelve [quotes nonconsecutive]:
For Branson and Gabriel, the gathering at Ulusuba held a particular sweetness – the culmination of a dream they have been nurturing for the past eight years.
The pair have been good friends for many years, but it was in 1999 when they first began to talk in theoretical terms about how the tradition in indigenous cultures of tribal elders serving as the repository of wisdom, judgement and long-term thinking might be applied in the global village.
The premise that Branson and Gabriel thrashed out was deceptively simple – there are any number of organisations and institutions, from the UN down, dedicated to solving the world’s myriad problems, but there is no single group that is totally independent, deriving its authority not from political, economic, military or religious power but from wisdom and experience. What might such a group achieve?
Gabriel joined them, and over lunch he and Branson gently floated their idea of the Elders.
Mandela’s response was guarded: the UN, he said, might look askance at a self-elected group presuming to step on their territory.
But he could see the value of the idea. He remembered how in his mediations between the Tutsis and the Hutus both sides had said it was as if they were talking to a father advising them, rather than to someone with an agenda of his own.
Branson now set up a team, led by Jean Oelwang, the chief executive of Virgin Unite, the independent charitable arm of the Virgin Group, with the objective of defining what a council of Elders would look like, what it might do and, as Oelwang says, 'bringing together the collective wisdom of some of the world’s most remarkable leaders with no other agenda but that of humanity.’
The first question was the most difficult: who should the Elders be? The number of figures who command not only universal recognition but universal respect can be counted on the fingers of one hand. How do you arrive at a group of 12 – the number had been decided by an unspoken consensus – that would equitably represent gender, ethnicity and cultural pluralism?
Mandela had already outlined a handful of names that he would like to join him; to research further candidates, Oelwang recruited Scilla Elworthy. She is the founder of the Oxford Research Group, which she established in 1982 to study global security issues and develop dialogue between nuclear-weapons policy makers and their critics. She is also the founder of Peace Direct, a grassroots organisation devoted to developing conflict resolution skills, and has herself been nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Over the next 18 months, Elworthy consulted government figures, diplomats, civic leaders and Nobel Peace Prize winners throughout the world, assembling a long-list of individuals for consideration as possible Elders. At this point it was felt expedient to reveal as little of the project as possible. In her canvassing of names, Elworthy referred to the project simply as an initiative to influence decision-making on global issues.
'We felt we shouldn’t use Nelson Mandela’s name – we didn’t want it to get into the press in the wrong way. We simply said this was going to be something at the highest level, led by absolutely impeccable names with global moral authority. And it wasn’t going to be just a talking shop; it was going to be about direct action.’ 0
Through a process of discussion and elimination, a set of criteria began to emerge for prospective Elders. The first, and most important, was that they should not be currently involved in politics; they should have no personal agenda, vested interest or bias. They should have earned international trust, demonstrated outstanding integrity and built a reputation for non-coercive leadership.
Jimmy Carter had agreed to come to Necker purely in an exploratory capacity, reluctant to commit himself to the idea of the Elders.
Addressing the group on the first day, he expressed his reservations, talking of the disparity between 'a dream of peace, love and sharing and caring’ and an organisation that could deliver the practical solutions to problems – 'the mundane thing of building a latrine, or putting a tablet in someone’s mouth, or putting up a [mosquito] screen. Bridging that wide chasm between dreams and practicalities, 'takes money and organisation,’ Carter pointed out.
But as the discussions went on, so his enthusiasm began to grow. If the Elders could evolve into a stature of global acceptance and respect, he said, it would be very difficult for others to reject their influence; their independence, lack of any agenda, and their global reputations as honest brokers would give them entree with individuals that might be denied to other organisations, and even governments, enabling them to exert influence in a way that even the UN could not do. What leader could resist an invitation to meet such a group?
'Even in the most controversial issues, the Elders could make themselves felt. Even though people on both sides may say they don’t want interference.’ The Elders, Carter suggested, might function as a first court of appeal in conflict resolution, 'a place where people can say as a first response, why don’t I go to the Elders to help prevent this war?’
Their unique position, he went on, would also mean they would be free to speak with 'pariahs' – the 'unsavoury leaders' who may be the real cause of the problem but are never included in the discussion of the solution. 'This group would have the collective stature to overcome the stigma of dealing with people whom the world may be condemning.'
But the potential for the group, he said, was limitless. 'We’re talking about alleviating suffering in the third world, women’s rights, the protection of human rights, dealing with diseases, the environment. I think the last thing this group wants to do is put any kind of limit on what they might address.
After three days of meetings, Carter’s scepticism had given way to commitment. He left Necker indicating that if he were invited to become an Elder he would accept. The Elders, he said, could be 'the conscience to the world’.
The initiative is being funded by a group of founders. As well as Branson and Gabriel, who are committing their own money to the project, these include the UN Foundation, which was created in 1998 by Ted Turner with a $1 billion bequest to support UN causes and activities; Humanity United, a philanthropic organisation started by the eBay founder Pierre Omidyar and his wife Pam; and the American businessman and philanthropist Raymond Chambers, the founder of Malaria No More and Millennium Promise. Oelwang estimates that funding over the next three years will be in the region of $20 million.
Elders will serve a three-year term, with the potential to extend.
They will also be overseeing the setting up of supporting groups of 'grassroots' Elders around the world – to be drawn from the existing databank of 300 names and from recommendations from the public through the internet. 'Mandela and Graca have said they want to have an open global debate about who else should join the Elders,' Branson says. 'The final choice will be theirs, and will have credibility for that reason.
And Mandela will also be getting Nobel Peace laureates to vet his list. The important thing is not to rush and choose the wrong people.' A small number of prominent figures will also be invited to become 'Ambassadors' to the Elders, championing their work. Oprah Winfrey has agreed to become the first of these.
Buried in the briefing documents outlining the putative objectives of the Elders and their possible strategies, lies a cautionary note about what the Elders will not do, '… solve all the world’s problems…’ It is intended in a light-hearted way. Who after all would realistically expect them to? But it does raise the question – if they can’t, who can?
God's authorized. As ever. Period. (Apologies for the long excerpt, but it gives the flavor of the group.)
The naming of Oprah Winfrey as "First Ambassador to the Elders" pretty much seals the crypt, don't it me droogs?!! No ambiguity there. War and nothing but -- while the Elders preach "peace."
The other key female in this plot against God is one Scilla Elworthy, whose name suggests "Witch-friend of Baal" . . . and she's got the C.V. to prove it!
Elworthy founded the Oxford Research Group and is a darling of the cryptocracy's spook-set anxious to install the rest of their Security State Planet by offering woman the empowered apple.
The last generation of U.S. women were addicted to cigarettes, en masse, by "advisors" who suggested that smoking assured them power equivalence with men. Cigarettes were sold as the "Torch of Freedom" and incanted Lady Liberty, the Sea Goddess. (Has anybody ever seen her feet? LOL)
Half the Boomer Generation were born addicted. Hopelessly and lifelong addicted.
Woman + Empowerment = Death.
How many more millennia of agony until we grok this fundamental reality?
Who benefitted, who benefits, from this agony and death?
Why, the Merchants of Death, leading us right back to Skull and Bones and other crypto-elite "fraternities" -- occult organizations aligned with the British SeaBeast -- along with the mass of luciferian/matriarchal fellow travellers and dupes.
Bush et al. came to power via the drug trade -- the modern hydrahead of the British East India Company. An addicted generation serves the gynocracy's interests well, especially a generation of spiritually crushed boys and men. They can be criminalized, subjugated, and robbed simultaneously. And that's precisely what the cigarette ad campaign accomplished.
You've got the power, Mom.
Woman is again deceived. Alliance with the serpent only brings fleeting power and wealth, delusional security.
After that, only ashes.
Speaking of ashes, Scilla Elworthy was appointed by Branson to winnow the Elder candidates (from a huge pool of gynofascists to a small pool of same.)
Her shtick, basically (stop me if you've heard this) is that females are essentially good and males are essentially bad, and if it weren't for Evil Males (especially White Ones) why, not only would Peace and Harmony embrace the world, but cows would give chocolate milk.
If only "men" (as if all were the same! as if Bush and Clinton etc. qualified as men!) would get out of the way.
Ad infinitum.
Here's the source for one example of our new Global Equality Security Matron, Scilla Elworthy. (All kneel or be smothered.)
"The perpetrators of terror are overwhelmingly male,” say the reports authors, Scilla Elworthy and Gabrielle Rifkind. “Yet women can bring striking results in areas of conflict, since they are known to be effective communicators and to have a natural talent for building bridges. It’s high time we feminised our approach to security, by actively encouraging women to introduce their particular ways of doing things into all our efforts to deal with terrorism."
See the serpent's split tongue, nailed together in pure white space.
Here's a link to "Dr." Scilla Elworthy's Baghdad Diaries with accompanying photo (not of the Doctor, to be sure!)

As to Doctor Elworthy's contention that the divine mother and son have always been at war, little dynamo might wonder where was Scilla when this meatmarket opened?
Oh, yah, right: wound around a tree, urging Woman to appropriate God's Judgment and Power.
Convenient that Our Friend Scilla owns a company providing "Global Security for the 21st Century."
And as she's already informed us -- as if we need yet another Kultural Source to grind it home -- MEN are the terrorists, MEN are the perpetrators.
Not men like the Elder males, of course. Just the Other men. The troublemakers. The outside agitators. The chauvinists who are keeping women and girls down. Those that don't agree with me.
Elders are elders because they act in everyone's best interest, there, Doctor. Not in the exclusive interest of females, of female empowerment, or of the wicked, weak "men" who sell out their planet for a little cameratime, some baubles, and ephemeral hosannahs.
Controlfreaks and Haters masquerading as Liberationists, as Humanitarians.
Meanwhile the planet writhes. War is everywhere. Madeleine sleeps on.
The band begins at ten to six
When Mr. K. performs his tricks
without a sound
And Mr. H. will demonstrate
Ten summersets he'll undertake on solid ground
We've been some days in preparation
A splendid time is guaranteed for all
And tonight Mr. Kite is topping the bill!!
(Lennon, McCartney)

Then she gave one flip of the rainbow tip
of her tail, and swam back down
(G. Lightfoot)

In the name of love she came this foolish winsome girl
She was all decked out
like a rainbow trout swimming upstream in the world
And she said, "Please please I've lost my way
the current is too strong. In the name of love
kind sir, I pray.
In the name of love.
So I took her by the hand, she took me by the will
She was all dolled up like a blue-eyed pup
lookin' for something to spill
And she said, "Please please I've lost my way
the current is too strong. In the name of love
kind sir, I pray.
In the name of love.
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