Nailing the Coffin Down
Our bestseller, the oh-so-satisfying All Men Are Bastards Knife Block!
Get Yours NOW and Get Busy Stabbin'!!
little dynamo wrote "Nailing Down the Coffin" January 30 and 31.
Since then, three related pieces of info have emerged. These appear below as preface to this post.
The first is AngryHarry's report of the All Men Are Bastards Knife Block, available from our friends at, whoops, make that "i want one of those dot com"
Hmm. I WANT I WANT I WANT . . . wonder what gender is being pandered to in this ad?
An efficient and revealing marriage of capitalism and the matriarchy. Guess why that's why they call her Mystery Babylon . . . .
Ain't no mystery to little dynamo, tho. Woman's capacity for vengeance -- even over the most petty of matters -- is as boundless as the universe itself.
However, today's postalization near Santa Barbara -- a persistent locale on this blog! -- is more, much more, than mere run-o-the-mill feminine vengeance.
Here's the story and AP headline:
GOLETA, Calif. - A woman wounded in a rampage by a former postal worker died Wednesday, and investigators said the assailant also killed a former neighbor just before the attack, bringing the death toll to eight.
Finally, from LiveScience, here's a long-feared headline and lead sentence:
Era Ends: Western Union Stops Sending Telegrams
No shit.
Ain't much remaining of the old Western Union, is there?
. . . what with psychomama and her voodoo-vengeance knife blocks running the Show.
Nupe. No telegrams needed anymore. What we are is right out in the open, now: dead bodies in the Post Office and man-hatred for sale.
No call for subtlety anymore, so we shouldn't expect any.
Now . . . on to our Feature Presentation.
In the post-WWII years, an unprecedented breach opened in the nations of the West, specifically in America. Masculinity, traumatized by WWI and WWII, sought solace in family, church, and work. Following WWII, confrontation of any type was avoided by men. That especially included confrontation with female power, which had been strenghtening in America for over a century. American men were still PTSD, and understandably didn’t want Another War, especially on the homefront.
Instead, their sons got The Homeland.
Many Boomer boys supported feminism – I was one -- having been convinced of its “progressiveness,” and of the righteousness of its demands for “equality” between women and men. Additionally, Boomer males were engaged in extreme rebellion against their own fathers, and against the collective masculine imago not only of America, but of Western civilization itself.
We Boomer boys revolted, rightly, against the corruptive aspects of the Decrepit King, and assumed that once we’d finished him off, we’d ascend to power.
While Father and Son duked it out in America, Europe, and elsewhere, the Girls re-installed matriarchy throughout the Western world, establishing its stronghold right here in the good ole U.S. of A.
With collective masculine defenses down, into the postwar breach rushed the collective feminine, seeking power, and getting it, virtually without resistance. Men were left to “run things,” of course. They still do. But Woman calls the shots now.
She decides who gets shot, too.
Re-establishment of gynocracy in America and the West wasn’t an accident. The way was carefully prepared, not over decades, or even centuries, but over millennia. Those preparations were exquisitely careful, and so far, wildly successful.
How was it done?
That’s far too long a story for here. But let’s peek behind the Veil during the past 150 years, a period crucial to the re-arising of the Great Goddess, and re-establishment of matriarchy.
The 1848 Woman’s Rights Convention (also called the Seneca Falls Convention and Declaration) was organized and led by the Quakers – the so-called “people of peace” – under direction of Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The only non-Quaker Convention delegate was co-organizer Stanton.
Both Stanton and Lucretia Mott – kindly, grandmotherly types – attempted the practice of necromancy and ritual magick, specifically use of “angelic spirits” to impart knowledge and advice. They called their activities “Spiritualism” and likened it to a religion. Many prominent men, particularly homosexuals and artists, joined the Spiritualist/Transcendentalist movement.
But Spiritualism, like channelling today, was merely a new moniker for gynocentric Egypto-Chaldean sorcery -- the same blood-magic necromancy practiced by neo-pagan “priests” like George Bush and his pals in Skull and Bones – or by William Sloane Coffin and the other Ameican “elite” annually in the Godesses’ “terebinth” at Bohemian Grove.
(Not coincidentally, the Russian River-Guerneville area, where the Grove is located, is a noted hotbed of homosexual activity – the Fire Island of the West. The Russian River, like the Nile, also floods regularly, providing a powerful “sympathetic tool” that aids modern practitioners of Egyptian magick. Recall that Osiris is a fertility god of the “overflowing Nile.” His semen is the “fructifying water.”)
Report of the Woman's Rights Convention Held at Seneca Falls, N.Y., July 19th and 20th, 1848. Rochester, 1848.
On July 14, 1848, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton issued a call in the Seneca County Courier inviting the public to attend a convention at the Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls on July 19 and 20, "to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition of women." e.
Cannily, Stanton and Mott-Coffin attached their true aim – female empowerment ane re-establishment of matriarchy -- to abolitionism, and vampirized that righteous cause for all ‘twas worth. Frederick Douglass attended the Seneca Falls Convention, and Convention proceedings were published by the North Star office, his press. Modern feminism still employs this tactic, as illustrated by the American Left/Democrats, essentially an identity-political voting bloc, now dominated almost exclusively by “women’s interests.”
Lucretia Mott’s Spiritualism and Transcendentalism, like New Atlantis, rose from the Atlantic Ocean, disguised as a “friend of human progress.”
Meet the New Beast. Same as the Old Beast.
“Ralph Waldo Emerson leaves the Unitarian church after the death of his first wife. His encounters with whaling Quakers in New Bedford are critical to the formulation of an ecumenical theology called Transcendentalism
“In 1848, radical Quakers, calling themselves Congregational Friends (later, the Friends of Human Progress), break away from the Society of Friends. A few months later, these same Friends of Human Progress are the sponsors of the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls.
“Immediately, the Friends of Human Progress press on into what is today a forgotten corner of American history. These Friends help establish the new fad of spiritualism. In addition to speaking from the inner light of Christ, they also begin to act as mediums for the spirits of the dead. Seances become a common aspect of society for an entire generation (Ann Braude characterizes it as a major American religion in this period.) The history of the women's rights movement is entwined with the spiritualist movement--a fact which was latter written out of the history books by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.”
[emphasis added]
Quite a pair of princesses. Entwined. Interesting word.
Apt, too!
Let’s see if little dynamo can’t unravel the girls a bit.
And haven’t modern feminists learned well their lessons on censorship and silencing from Mistresses Stanton and Anthony!
Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!
But it falls a loooong way.
Now: how about “Coffin.” Strange thing to be named, eh?
Hell, if I had a name like Coffin, I’d probably change it to Smith!
Coffin. Prominent Euro-American bloodlines. Produced the Mother of American Feminism, the First Queen of our neo-Babylonian matriarchy, Lucretia Mott. Nee Coffin. Shares her first syllable with Lucifer. Lucy Fer-the-snake, allied with E-lizard-breath Stanton. Lucretia Borgia, the Arch-poisoner . . . hmm. Yep. She fits as well.
Probably just a coincidence. I’m a Misogynist and Oppressor, after all.
Tracing the genesis of American feminism – at least as far back as the 1848 Seneca Falls Conference -- we find recurring themes of occult/magickal rituals, often involving sex-magic, especially forced anal penetration; fertility rites, usually employing a maypole/asherah, often involving crypts, coffins, or “groves of the goddess”; connection to seafaring, sea captains, impression/slavery, Leviathan, antediluvian “Atlantean” cultures, passed through Sumer, Egypt, and Babylon; and complicity of prominent American “blueblood” families with bloodrites and neo-matriarchy – right up to the modern day, with George and Laura.
Modern american feminism was prophesied as “Mystery Babylon” because the author of Revelation understood its eqivalence with the ancient “Great Goddess” and her fertility cults of male sacrifice. Both Daniel and Revelation predict that in the Endtimes, the ancient matriarchal mystery religions will resurface, and eventually dominate the globe, as they do today through America. The mystery religions centered around the pre-monotheistic Great Mother/Lover-son duad, with attendant blood-sacrificial rites.
James Shelby Downard is an occult investigator who wrote the infamous “King Kill/33” essay on American assassination as extension of pagan blood-ritual. Concerning coffins (and Coffins), Downard comments:
Much of Boston's Irish population arrived in American in what were nicknamed the "coffin ships." Members of the Kennedy family were acquainted with the "Coffin" family. The Reverend William Sloane Coffin was the son of the theologian Henry Sloane Coffin; the younger Coffin was a member of the Peace Corps Advisory Council that Sargent Shriver headed. "Shriver" or "Shrive" has the meaning of one who grants absolution to a penitent, and it was customary to call upon a shriver before death. If the shriver was not available, a "sin eater" was summoned. The old pious cry which was connected with the request for a shriving was "Shrive me O Holy Land and Give Me Peace." To this the shriver would respond "Pax Vobiscum":
...the spell lies in two words, Pax Vobiscum will answer all queries. If you go or come, eat or drink, bless or ban, Pax Vobiscum carries you through it all. It is as useful to a friar as a broomstick to a witch or a wand to a conjurer. Speak it but thus, in a deep grave tone, Pax Vobiscum! It is irresistible-watch and ward, Knight and squire, foot and horse, it acts as a charm upon them all. I think, if they bring me out to be hanged tomorrow, as is much to be doubted they may, I will try its weights upon the finisher of the sentence. ("Wamba, son of Witless")
Sargent Shriver, a Catholic and Kennedy by marriage, as head of the Peace Corps and in association with a Coffin, might be considered to be in a sensitive position in relation to mystical onomatology.
In the ancient mysteries the aspirant could not claim a participation in the highest secrets until he had been placed in the Pastos, bed or coffin. The placing of him in the coffin was called the symbolical death of the mysteries, and his deliverance was termed a rising from the dead; the "mind," says an ancient writer quoted by Stobaeus, is afflicted in death just as it is in the initiation in the mysteries. And word answers to word, as well as thing to thing; for burial is to die and death to be initiated. The coffin in Masonry is found on the tracing boards of the early part of the last century, and has always constituted a part of the symbolism of the Third Degree, where the reference is precisely to the same as that of the Pastos in the ancient mysteries. [My emphasis.] (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)
President Kennedy sat at the head of a coffin table at the White House. To his back, over a fireplace, hung a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, an assassinated president. On either side of the picture were urns that resembled the type called "cinerary urns" which are vessels in which the ashes of the dead are kept.
A book about JFK was called Three Steps to the White House. In Masonry are what is known as the "three symbolical steps." "The three grand steps symbolically lead from this life to the source of all knowledge." (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)
It must be evident to every Master Mason without further explanation, that the three steps are taken from the darkness to a place of light, either figuratively or really over a coffin, the symbol of death, to teach symbolically that the passage from darkness and ignorance of this life through death to the light and knowledge of eternal life. And this from earliest times was the true symbolism of the step. (Ibid.)
The body of President Kennedy was placed in a coffin which was positioned in the center of a circle under the Capitol dome. The catafalque was "a temporary structure of wood appropriately decorated with funeral symbols and representing a tomb or cenotaph. It forms a part of the decorations of a 'Sorrow Lodge.' " This Masonic Encyclopedia entry refers to the ceremonies of the Third Degree in Lodges of the French Rite.
Pictures taken of the Kennedy coffin and catafalque show these two props of the funerary rite as a point in a circle. Fecundity is the symbolic signification of the Point within a circle and is a derivation of ancient sun worship.
Coffins, of course, also suggest Sumero/Chaldeo/Egpytian “Osiric” fertility cults, with the dead king murdered by being tricked into a coffin (e.g., the “King’s Chamber at Giza, with its “promise” of eternal life. Just get in, lie back, and relax, boy. Trust us!)
The Coffins that brought Lucretia Mott into the world were a New England whaling family – Nantucket, Massachusetts Quakers. Lucretia’s dead daddy, Thomas Coffin, Jr., was a sea captain who hunted sperm whales.
Hunting sperm whales, of course, was the obsession of Captain Ahab in the novels of New Bedford, Massachusetts writer Herman Melville.
British Naval officers and “sea captains” figure in the ancestry of Lucretia Coffin and hubby James Mott.
Long Island-born Quaker reformer James Mott (1788-1868) married Lucretia Coffin in 1811 after meeting her at a Quaker boarding school in Poughkeepsie, New York. Mott became a partner in the nail business Lucretia’s father had recently established in Philadelphia. Though he struggled in the aftermath of the War of 1812 and Panic of 1819, Mott eventually made progress in the cotton trade after 1822. About the same time, however, he and his wife became followers of Elias Hicks ( , ) a liberal Quaker who frowned upon even indirect support of the slave system. By 1830, then, Mott gave up his lucrative cotton enterprise to avoid the moral opprobrium of even indirectly supporting the “peculiar institution.” He made a successful transition to the wool trade and was able to retire in 1852. Though often portrayed in a mere footnote, Mott participated in many of the same conferences and activities as his better known wife, and even presided over some of the Seneca Falls convention sessions. One of the founders of Swarthmore College, Mott died of pneumonia while visiting a daughter in Brooklyn.
. . . .
Lucretia Coffin represented many of the old families of Nantucket, and a brief account of her ancestry will interest all of the descendants of Adam and Anne Mott.
The Coffin family in England is traced back to the time of William the Conqueror, when a Norman Knight, Sir Richard Coffyn, accompanied William in his invasion of England.
The knight doubtless had his reward, for "Sir Richard Coffyn of Alwington in Devonshire," became an hereditary name for centuries---from the reign of Henry I. to that of Edward VI. Richard Coffyn was Sheriff of Devonshire in the time of Henry VIII. Curious agreements in relation to boundaries between Sir Richard Coffyn and the Abbot of Tavistock are still preserved. In one of them the Abbot grants the privilege of his church to the Coffyn family.
The first of the family in America was Tristram Coffyn, as he still spelled the name, son of Peter and Joanne (Thimber) Coffyn of Brixham Parish, in the town of Plymouth, in Devonshire. They seem to have been people of considerable substance. Tristram married Dionis Stevens, and after his father's death he came to New England, bringing his mother with him. He was said to have been the first person who used a plow in Haverhill. He was a Royalist, and appears to have come to America to escape the Parliamentary party, of which Cromwell soon after this date became the ruling spirit. And several of Tristram's descendants were also Royalists in the time of the American Revolution.
Tristram Coffin was one of the original proprietors of Nantucket, but did not himself go there until the success of the colony had become assure. In 1660, he moved to Nantucket, taking with him his four children--James, John, Stephen and Mary.
Among Tristram Coffin's descendants may be counted Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin of the British Navy, and the Admiral's brother, General John Coffin of the British Army. Two of General Coffin's sons were also British Admirals. Sir Isaac Coffin gave ten thousand dollars to the school of his name in Nantucket.
An interesting account of the lives of James and Lucretia Mott by their granddaughter, Anna Davis Hallowell, is now in print. Something of their relations with Adam and Anne Mott has also found place in the preceding pages of this volume, down to about 1825-30. At that time James Mott had become a merchant in Philadelphia, dealing in cotton and in cotton goods.
About 1830, James Mott became unwilling longer to deal in anything produced by slave labor, and determined to give it up, whatever it might cost him. He took up in its place a wool business, handling wool and woolen goods, and at one time he was interested in a woolen mill near Philadelphia known as the Penn Factory. Business was but moderately successful for some years, and the factory was burned. But he struggled on, and in the end prospered, and about 1850 was able to retire from business with a moderate competence sufficient for all his needs. He was at this time 62 years old. They had been living for some years at No. 338 Arch Street, and the house became a social centre for many relatives and friends. About 1857 they removed to a small farm on the northern borders of the city of Philadelphia, on which a stone house stood near the road, whence the place took the name of "ROADSIDE."
This house, remodeled and enlarged, thenceforth remained their home for the rest of their lives, and "Roadside" has become a name full of pleasant and ennoblind associations to the relatives and to all the friends of the family.
Note in the above account the “granting” by the “abbot” of the “privilege of his church” to the Coffyn family – precisely as if “the church” belonged to the Coffyn, and not to God.
The Coffin family – flush with war-loot – arrived in the Colonies loaded to the gills – not to mention, titled (and therefore potentially landed in the emerging Colonies.)
OK. Let’s take this next section REAL SLOW.
Lucretia Coffin’s father established a nail business in Philadelphia. It’s in the genes, apparently.
(I mean, might as well hang a sign in front that says: “Masons Within. Crosses Built Cheap! Sacrificial Victims Extra!)
Mr. Peaceful-Quaker-Preacher, James Mott, married the scary Lucretia and thereby became a “partner” in Daddy Coffin’s “nail business.” Soon James switched to the cotton-trade. Sheep-shearing was more lucrative!
We’ve got Daddy Coffin as the crypt, James Mott as the Hammer, and Lucretia Mott as the nail that keeps masculinity crucified in this world.
Nice, respectable “family business.”
Between making nails and shearing sheep, the peaceloving Mr. Mott managed to organize and preside over many of the sessions at the Woman’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls. Indeed, he assisted his lovely Frankenstinian Bride with ferocious devotion in all her female-empowerment activities!
The Mott residence in Philadephia where the Seneca Falls Convention – and no doubt, much else – was planned, was at 338 Arch Street . . . an address suggestive not only of the ubiquitous arches in Masonic iconography and illustration, but of the ancient “arks” constructed by early “Masons” as Osiric caskets – the Hebrew Ark being only one example of “arks” or mobile deities built and used throughout the ancient Near East.
Crucial elements for the Hebrew Ark’s receptacle, the Temple, were built by Hiram in alliance with the (supposedly) monotheistic King Solomon. Hiram was a “craftsman” in metallurgy who ruled the pagan (godess-worshipping) Kingdom of Tyre. He is source for the semi-legendary Hiram Abiff, ancestor of Cain and of Tubal-Cain. Hiram is glorified today as the “father of Masonry.”
American occult elements are often linked, not surpisingly, to New England -- especially to Massachusetts and its whaling communites, like New Bedford. It’s no coincidence that major Catholic Church “priest-abuse” scandals occurred in Massachusetts. Particular attention was focused on incidents in the Fall River Diocese, which includes New Bedford and Martha’s Vineyard.
Why is this relevant to our subject?
Because sex-magic – especially involving children – is essential to the type of transtemporal, transcultural rites we are addressing. These rites are designed primarily to influence the mind via libido. In particular, access is sought to the collective or mass mind. Individuals OR entire cultures are susceptible to extreme influence, even control, via a brew of propaganda, suggestion, manipulation, trauma-inducement, sex, drugs, and related techniques.
Were the Massachusetts priests New World Order elitists in gowns . . . goddess-worshipping, necromantic sorcerers in disguise?
Very unlikely. They were stooges, mostly. Set up to be exposed, for far greater purpose than mere “individual justice.”
The desire behind all the skullduggery we’re describing is the destruction of masculinity, to return global supremacy to matriarchal elements, the Shadow aspects of femininity and masculinity.
A sex-scandal involving kids and priests kills two birds, one stone. First, it encourages molestation hysteria amongst the general population, a condition ALWAYS to the advantage of a matriarchy, especially an emerging one like America. Females are empowered by inciting hysteria concerning male sexuality. The more the masculine image can be demonized, the more Woman is enthroned. Simple. Ancient. Effective.
Second, the Catholic Church – already heavily feminized, at least in America – is massively weakened by the sex scandals. Priests are men. Men are evil, and cannot be trusted anytime, anywhere. Not coincidentally, the Catholic Church, as lost as it currently is, IS the only major institutional barrier between Western matriarchy and world dominion under the Goddess.
Just a coincidence, of course.
Let’s just say those scandals weren’t entirely spontaneous events. Professionals don’t make mistakes, folks, and believe your little dynamo: these forces are WAY BEYOND “professionals.” These are “spiritual powers in high places,” as old Paul put it. Politicians, generals, and corporate execs are merely their stooges.
The Massachusetts priests were undoubtedly influenced, to ensure the necessary results. That’s not to excuse the priests. But it is to point out that greater evils exist in the world than horny priests – and that’s from a former altar boy that’s been there.
Given the choice between Lucretia Mott and Father McGrabby, I’ll take my chances with the horndog.
At least I can run from him.
Lucretia has LOTS more friends, and she never let’s prey slip away.
Speaking of predators, note the Ahab reference below.
“Davis, Lance E., et al. In Pursuit of Leviathan: Technology, Institutions, Productivity, and Profits in American Whaling, 1816-1906. (Chicago: U Chicago Press, 1997). For a view into the difficulties of understanding these sex-segregated societies, see: Norling, Lisa. Captain Ahab Had a Wife: New England Women and the Whalefishery, 1720-1870. (Chapel Hill: UNC Press, 2000). Norling cites Margaret Hope Bacon's conventional wisdom about the beginnings of feminism among whaling Quakers (p. 53), and explains, "I thought I would look in New England maritime communities for the strong, independent women who has withstood the rising tide of Victorian domesticity along with their seafaring husband's regular absences... I did not find them." (p. 3). Specifically, she concludes, "Given the loneliness that so many of them expressed, it is surprising how few of the whalemen's wives appear to have engaged in the kind of intensely romantic relationships with other women described by [Caroll] Smith-Roseberg. Of course, this reflects the evidence that has survived rather than actual incidence, but concrete documentation of romantic friendship surfaced for just two of the several dozen women examined in this study [principally a stash of 155 dead-letters from a Victorian New Bedford post office].'"
“Ahab Had a Wife.” Indeed.
Apparently he had a daughter, too.
America’s King Ahab was Lucretia’s daddy, Thomas Coffin, Jr.
The Biblical Ahab (King of Israel, 869 - 850 BCE) fell into sin through influence of his wife Jezebel, the prototypical name for a wicked woman (Ahab, btw, built an ivory palace for Himself and Hunnybuns.) Jezzie turned Ahab from Yahweh to worship of her local Baal – that is, from observance of monotheism back to worship of the mother/son matriarchal duad. Solomon (reigned circa 971 to 930 BCE) made the same mistake a century earlier under influence of his wives, particularly the Queen of Sheba.
What was Jezebel’s principal occupation?
Hunting down and killing the “prophets of the Lord.”
Like Jesus, those “prophets” were – are -- men opposed to blood-sacrifice, vengeance, and the inevitable chaos of desolation that attends matriarchy, with females “empowered” collectively as citizens superior to males.
Some things just don’t change. “Female empowerment” is one of them. Ask John or Bobby.
Hey, ask Jesus . . . if you can raise him.
Nobody cares about that dead stiff, anyway . . . he’s just a sidenote to Mary Magdalene who, you see, was ACTUALLY Jesus’s WIFE, but the Evil Patriarchs didn’t want humanity to know that Jesus and Mary were equals, because the Sacred Feminine blah blah blah Ain’t I Wonderful?
Sells, though. Sells bigtime.
Always has.
Jesus, on ‘tother hand . . . he don’t sell.
Dig it – even little dynamo’s NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR has got a book out on the “Holy Grail” . . . you know, all about how the REAL ROYALTY is passed through the feminine bloodline, about how the Goddess has been cheated and humiliated and oppressed etc.
Everyone’s in on the Kraze. It’s all the rage. A Da Vinci Code on every corner, a neodruid behind every tree.
Kid you not. My NEIGHBOR! I live in the Middle of Nowhere!
He wants to instruct me – and all the wide world – about The Holy Grail!!
O my Goofy God in Heaven!! Do I tell him how to fix fucking cars?!
Where WILL it END!!
Anyway . . . in the Bible, Jezebel – the power behind Ahab’s throne (Hilary, Laura or Nancy, anyone?) is opposed by the prophet Elijah, one of the few Uppity Males who managed to avoid Queen Jezebel’s pogrom . . . er, I mean, her Campaign for Equality!
Notably, Jezzie was daughter of the King of Tyre. Tyre was an ancient Meditteranean port and island famous for Alexander’s siege, and for links with seafaring, trade, metallurgy, sacrficial magick, and occult rites of power. King Solomon allied with Hiram, King of Tyre, in the construction of the first Hebrew Temple, which was a housing/conductor for its “Ark.” The Ark was intermediary between Israel and God. As such, it was the manifest MALE REPRESENTATIVE of “Yahweh” and of monotheism and nascent “patriarchy” in the world. The nation of Israel constantly struggled, and often failed, to break free from the grip of matriarchy and its myriad Goddess cults (Asherah, to the Semitic tribes.)
Like King Ahab, King Manasseh of Judah (circa 687 to 642 BCE) relapsed into idolatry – specifically, the worship of the Goddess or Great Mother and her “son” in statuary, natural forms, temples, and groves. Manasseh – often equated with modern America as “Babylon” – set up an “asherah,” a wooden image of the goddess inside the Hebrew Temple. This wasn’t merely sacrilege. It refuted the very purpose of the Temple and Ark.
Since femaleness suffuses creation, the pure male is cast out. He has no right to life.
-- Camille Paglia
Why would the Ark – the central symbol, the very personage, of monotheism and masculinity – remain in a “Temple” with the goddess? The whole POINT of the Temple was to provide a MALE SANCTUARY for “Yahweh” that was CLOSED OFF from the influence of the Goddess, and by extension, from the influence of woman, and from the “priests” of the Goddess – the same “priests” who planned America as the seedbed of feminism, and of the NWO under Goddess Babylon.
Get the picture?
Hurricane Camille ain’t kidding. Femaless IS material existence. It is everywhere and everything.
In such a universe – as upon a Catholic altar – the male MUST HAVE a few precious square feet in which to BREATHE, FOR GOD’S SAKE!
And precisely as today, the male is excluded by custom and law – custom and law manipulated into place by feminism – from having any place of exclusive male refuge. The same “rules,” of course, don’t appy to women.
Somehow, they almost never do.
Ancient Near-Eastern cultures were always teetering on regression to matriarchy . . . when they weren’t practicing it outright.
In The Mothers, Briffault writes: "The Jewish rabbis themselves, at a comparatively late date acknowledged that the four matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah had occupied a more important position than the three patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. According to Robertson Smith the tribe of Levi was originally metronymous (matrilineal), being the tribe of Leah."
No wonder “Yahweh” was constantly kicking their butts!
So, that about cover’s Lovely Lucretia’s coffin-connections
Now let’s peek at her adopted name, Mott. It is equally instructive, especially in context of the modern necromantic cults mentioned above.
“Mot” was the name of the god of death in Ugaritic myth.
Here’s a passage from
Mot, the next offspring, who is Lord of the Underworld and the barren season then defeats Ba'al, enraging Ba'al's consort Anath, who ironically in the Ugarit form of the myth enters the fray as a Death Goddess upholding the paternal order. When Mot refuses to revive Ba'al, Anath kills and dismembers him, scattering his remains over the land.
Baal, now revived, undertakes a full-scale war against all the other gods, who are now referred to as the "Sons of Asherah," and is victorious. The death of Mot is conceived in a seven year cycle as representing the end of seven years of drought and famine.
In her role of Goddess of War and Death , Anath's lust for blood is unbounded: "Anat kills the people living in valleys, in cities and on the seashore and in the land of sunrise, until the cut off heads of soldiers were reaching to her belt and she was wading up to her waist in blood. Violently she smites and gloats, Anat cuts them down and gazes; her liver exhaults in mirth ... for she plunges her knees in the blood of soldiers, her loins in the gore of warriors, till she has had her fill of slaughtering in the house, of cleaving among the tables." After which, she, the Progenetress of Nations washed her hands of the blood of the slain, in dew and rain supplied by her brother Ba'al." (Walker 29, Cohn 1993 126)
"Anath was fertilized by the blood of men, rather than semen, because her worship dated all the way back to the neolithic, when fatherhood was unknown and blood was considered the only substance which could transmit life. Hecatombs of [100] men seem to have been sacrificed to Anath when her image was reddened with rouge and henna for the occasion.
Like the Lady of the Serpent Skirt, Anath hung the shorn penises of her victims on her goatskin apron or aegis."
"Anath's capacity to curse and kill made even the Heavenly Father afraid of her. When El seemed reluctant to do her bidding, she threatened to smash his head and cover his grey hair and beard with gore. He hastily gave her everything she asked, saying 'Whoever hinders thee will be crushed' " (Walker 30).
In the mythical cycle, "Mot too is [now] revived and once again challenges Baal to single combat. In the midst of the fighting, however, the sun-goddess, Spsi (Shapash), intervenes, advising Mot that no further combat is needed because El is now on the side of Baal. El, always patriarchal and judicious, has discerned that Baal in his defeat and resurrection has manifested a new form of order; as a patriarchal deity El must uphold this new order. The decree is made that Baal will rule during the seasons of fertility and Mot during the seasons of sterility and drought." – Grollier
There are many implications of this mythical cycle that underly the events of the Bible and overshadow and cast the die for the Christian heritage (Grollier Multimedia Encyclopedia 1993):
Firstly: "the myth forms a watershed for the understanding of myth and history throughout the Near East. "Egyptian, Hittite, Hurrian, and Ugaritic myths are present in this cycle. Moreover, Hesiod clearly made use of some of these mythological elements in his Theogony; Baal, Yamm, and Mot are directly related to Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades."
Secondly: "although the Old Testament contains a polemic against Baal, Asherah, and Astarte, some of the elements and practices of the Hebrews are best understood within the context of Canaanite mythology."
Thirdly: Anath as the death twin of Mari Lady of Birth, and the destroyer of the dying and reviving Mot plays a central, if concealed role in the crucifixion psychodrama
"Anath annually cast her death-curse anathema on the Canaanite god", fulfilling Mot's slaying of Ba'al and his destruction in turn by her. Mot stood for the barren season that slew its own fertile twin Aleyin, the son of Ba'al. "In typical sacred-king style Mot-Aleyin was the son of the virgin Anath and also the bridegroom of his own mother. Like Jesus the Lamb of God, Aleyin said 'I am the lamb which is made ready with pure wheat to be sacrificed in expiation.' " (Walker 31 [Larousse]).
"After Aleyin's death, Anath resurrects him and sacrifices Mot, telling him he has been forsaken by his heavenly father El." This is precisely the same father to whom Jesus cried " 'Eloi Eloi lama sabaschthani' - El El why hast thou forsaken me? ... and some said 'Behold he calleth for Elias' and one ran and filled a sponge with vinegar and put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink saying, 'Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down'. And Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost." (Walker 31, Mark 15:34
"The sacred drama included a moment when Anath broke Mot's reed scepter, to signify his castration, again foreshadowing a detail of the Christian Gospels. ... Naturally the god-killing Anath was much diabolized in patriarchial legends. Abyssinian Christians called her Aynat "the evil eye of earth". They said she was an old witch destroyed by Jesus, who commanded that she must be burned and her ashes scattered on the wind." (Walker 31)
St. Paul's excommunication curse "If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maran-atha derives from the more ancient curse of Anath:
Ana-tithenai: to set up, dedicate [a curse], maranatha: Our Lord [bridegroom], come.
Although the Ugaritic Mot was a male deity, note that the real power in this unending ritual of the “sacrifice” of MALE blood is the matriarchal goddess. She does the killing, the boys do the dying. She destroys and re-creates the male, and it is her word that commands the male in repetition of blood ritual.
Little dynamo can almost see her, hunched beneath the cross, weighed by grief, weeping quietly, abject in mourning.
In the night, when everybody’s gone, Pilate’s wife gives her towells, and “Anath” crawls around on her knees, sopping up the torture blood, the murder gristle.
Mustn’t let good blood go to waste!
Note in the above passage that the Ugaritic Great Goddess is deemed omnipotent even by the “Heavenly Father.”
This “mythological” passage, revealing the deep gynocentricity of the ancient Near East -- its blood-pagan roots, and the constant pull of regression to gynocracy -- shows clearly WHY Jesus (the real and present Jesus, not the castrati the denominations worship) was necessary, and still is necessary – more now, indeed, than ever.
The Goddess arranges an eternal combat between the “brother gods” (here, Mot and Baal; elsewhere, Osiris and Set, etc.). They are encouraged, often by questioning or betlittling their manhood, to fight each other in endless re-enactment of pagan blood-ritual – whether by formla war, or in much more subtle ways . . . like blowing out the back of a man’s head as he rides in a parade procession. In any and every case, the losers are always BOYS and MEN.
The winner is the controller of the Game: the “Great Goddess” and whatever lacky-boy she chooses to employ that particular century.
That’s why Jesus preached and demonstrated brotherhood, and why he told his Mom: “What have I to do with you, woman?”
Mom is used to Getting Her Way, and she will do anything – including destroying the world and herself – in order to Get Her Way. And there are always hungry New Fools eager to serve her.
Finally, following the “Mott” trail, here’s a quote from the Qim Tunes, an online document “authored” by five autistic men in the early 1990s. I consider Qim Tunes a potential “new testament” regarding masculinity (which doesn’t mean it supersedes or invalidates the Bible, btw.)
The autistic men, largely nonverbal, used finger-pointing techniques to spell out their communications. A primary-care worker named Tom Smith helped them, and eventually typed the document onto the Internet. Tom Smith “happens” to be a “masculist” – a prominent and outspoken men’s activist.
After studying the document, I wrote a series of commentaries for Qim Tunes, published on the Net as “Kin Notes.”
Here’s a relevant Qim Tunes quote:
Geof: In you, its Jed’s most hike. Try to make it remembered. Mike kin allies. (I have one "Mike" kin. A second cousin and a wonderful guy. But maybe he is referring to my friend Mike)
Brent: Sew Mercy.
Nick: Snot got our Motts VT X. Sun tunes not Lio.
Tom: Motts?
Brent: Your mit is more in the Mott family. (My fathers side of the family changed their name from Mott to Smith in the mid 1800’s. "Mit" is my FC hand.)
Tom: No one ever has heard me mention the Motts.
Brent: Using others for information. (Rubbing my face in frustration) Trust me. North sorts innocent. Tormenting the morning is natural. NY us. Turn for PMS. Roq Lord, Mike. We’re hiring him. Kort him. North avenges South. (My friend Mike is the quintisential Marxist - Nietzchean atheist)
Adrian: Store (quotes) track Monliness. Tout.
What goes around comes around, eh? Karma getting Instanter by the minute!
Thus we are returned to Lucretia Coffin and her husband and namesake, the Quaker warlock James Mott.
And Here we are. Not only is “democracy” not a barrier to neo-matriarchy, it’s Big Mama’s Best Buddy!
Turns out we – and increasingly, much of the planet – is ruled by a gynolatrous, necromantic “priesthood” selected from the “prime stock” of American colonialism and European “nobility.” Still think not?
The last two “candidates” for Presidency in our, uh, demonocracy are both CURRENT members of a tiny occult society practicing blood-magick and goddess-worship.
. . . That’s the “democracy” that America and its “patriarchal” President wants to export – along with female empowerment – around the globe. In service of its ends, America will use force, if necessary . . . or just for fun.
O Manasseh, what witchery has befallen thee? Your father Joseph is shamed, and you are an abomination before the LORD.
Come out of her, my beloved ones, for she has instructed her hunters against you. Flee from her wickedness and bloodlust. May God release her captives, and set them over her, as watch forever against evil.
“Wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but Truth conquers all”
-- Inscription on Rosslyn Chapel, riddle solution that led directly to the rebuilding of the Second Temple of Jerusalem
Instead, their sons got The Homeland.
Many Boomer boys supported feminism – I was one -- having been convinced of its “progressiveness,” and of the righteousness of its demands for “equality” between women and men. Additionally, Boomer males were engaged in extreme rebellion against their own fathers, and against the collective masculine imago not only of America, but of Western civilization itself.
We Boomer boys revolted, rightly, against the corruptive aspects of the Decrepit King, and assumed that once we’d finished him off, we’d ascend to power.
While Father and Son duked it out in America, Europe, and elsewhere, the Girls re-installed matriarchy throughout the Western world, establishing its stronghold right here in the good ole U.S. of A.
With collective masculine defenses down, into the postwar breach rushed the collective feminine, seeking power, and getting it, virtually without resistance. Men were left to “run things,” of course. They still do. But Woman calls the shots now.
She decides who gets shot, too.
Re-establishment of gynocracy in America and the West wasn’t an accident. The way was carefully prepared, not over decades, or even centuries, but over millennia. Those preparations were exquisitely careful, and so far, wildly successful.
How was it done?
That’s far too long a story for here. But let’s peek behind the Veil during the past 150 years, a period crucial to the re-arising of the Great Goddess, and re-establishment of matriarchy.
The 1848 Woman’s Rights Convention (also called the Seneca Falls Convention and Declaration) was organized and led by the Quakers – the so-called “people of peace” – under direction of Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The only non-Quaker Convention delegate was co-organizer Stanton.
Both Stanton and Lucretia Mott – kindly, grandmotherly types – attempted the practice of necromancy and ritual magick, specifically use of “angelic spirits” to impart knowledge and advice. They called their activities “Spiritualism” and likened it to a religion. Many prominent men, particularly homosexuals and artists, joined the Spiritualist/Transcendentalist movement.
But Spiritualism, like channelling today, was merely a new moniker for gynocentric Egypto-Chaldean sorcery -- the same blood-magic necromancy practiced by neo-pagan “priests” like George Bush and his pals in Skull and Bones – or by William Sloane Coffin and the other Ameican “elite” annually in the Godesses’ “terebinth” at Bohemian Grove.
(Not coincidentally, the Russian River-Guerneville area, where the Grove is located, is a noted hotbed of homosexual activity – the Fire Island of the West. The Russian River, like the Nile, also floods regularly, providing a powerful “sympathetic tool” that aids modern practitioners of Egyptian magick. Recall that Osiris is a fertility god of the “overflowing Nile.” His semen is the “fructifying water.”)
Report of the Woman's Rights Convention Held at Seneca Falls, N.Y., July 19th and 20th, 1848. Rochester, 1848.
On July 14, 1848, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton issued a call in the Seneca County Courier inviting the public to attend a convention at the Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls on July 19 and 20, "to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition of women." e.
Cannily, Stanton and Mott-Coffin attached their true aim – female empowerment ane re-establishment of matriarchy -- to abolitionism, and vampirized that righteous cause for all ‘twas worth. Frederick Douglass attended the Seneca Falls Convention, and Convention proceedings were published by the North Star office, his press. Modern feminism still employs this tactic, as illustrated by the American Left/Democrats, essentially an identity-political voting bloc, now dominated almost exclusively by “women’s interests.”
Lucretia Mott’s Spiritualism and Transcendentalism, like New Atlantis, rose from the Atlantic Ocean, disguised as a “friend of human progress.”
Meet the New Beast. Same as the Old Beast.
“Ralph Waldo Emerson leaves the Unitarian church after the death of his first wife. His encounters with whaling Quakers in New Bedford are critical to the formulation of an ecumenical theology called Transcendentalism
“In 1848, radical Quakers, calling themselves Congregational Friends (later, the Friends of Human Progress), break away from the Society of Friends. A few months later, these same Friends of Human Progress are the sponsors of the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls.
“Immediately, the Friends of Human Progress press on into what is today a forgotten corner of American history. These Friends help establish the new fad of spiritualism. In addition to speaking from the inner light of Christ, they also begin to act as mediums for the spirits of the dead. Seances become a common aspect of society for an entire generation (Ann Braude characterizes it as a major American religion in this period.) The history of the women's rights movement is entwined with the spiritualist movement--a fact which was latter written out of the history books by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.”
[emphasis added]
Quite a pair of princesses. Entwined. Interesting word.
Apt, too!
Let’s see if little dynamo can’t unravel the girls a bit.
And haven’t modern feminists learned well their lessons on censorship and silencing from Mistresses Stanton and Anthony!
Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!
But it falls a loooong way.
Now: how about “Coffin.” Strange thing to be named, eh?
Hell, if I had a name like Coffin, I’d probably change it to Smith!
Coffin. Prominent Euro-American bloodlines. Produced the Mother of American Feminism, the First Queen of our neo-Babylonian matriarchy, Lucretia Mott. Nee Coffin. Shares her first syllable with Lucifer. Lucy Fer-the-snake, allied with E-lizard-breath Stanton. Lucretia Borgia, the Arch-poisoner . . . hmm. Yep. She fits as well.
Probably just a coincidence. I’m a Misogynist and Oppressor, after all.
Tracing the genesis of American feminism – at least as far back as the 1848 Seneca Falls Conference -- we find recurring themes of occult/magickal rituals, often involving sex-magic, especially forced anal penetration; fertility rites, usually employing a maypole/asherah, often involving crypts, coffins, or “groves of the goddess”; connection to seafaring, sea captains, impression/slavery, Leviathan, antediluvian “Atlantean” cultures, passed through Sumer, Egypt, and Babylon; and complicity of prominent American “blueblood” families with bloodrites and neo-matriarchy – right up to the modern day, with George and Laura.
Modern american feminism was prophesied as “Mystery Babylon” because the author of Revelation understood its eqivalence with the ancient “Great Goddess” and her fertility cults of male sacrifice. Both Daniel and Revelation predict that in the Endtimes, the ancient matriarchal mystery religions will resurface, and eventually dominate the globe, as they do today through America. The mystery religions centered around the pre-monotheistic Great Mother/Lover-son duad, with attendant blood-sacrificial rites.
James Shelby Downard is an occult investigator who wrote the infamous “King Kill/33” essay on American assassination as extension of pagan blood-ritual. Concerning coffins (and Coffins), Downard comments:
Much of Boston's Irish population arrived in American in what were nicknamed the "coffin ships." Members of the Kennedy family were acquainted with the "Coffin" family. The Reverend William Sloane Coffin was the son of the theologian Henry Sloane Coffin; the younger Coffin was a member of the Peace Corps Advisory Council that Sargent Shriver headed. "Shriver" or "Shrive" has the meaning of one who grants absolution to a penitent, and it was customary to call upon a shriver before death. If the shriver was not available, a "sin eater" was summoned. The old pious cry which was connected with the request for a shriving was "Shrive me O Holy Land and Give Me Peace." To this the shriver would respond "Pax Vobiscum":
...the spell lies in two words, Pax Vobiscum will answer all queries. If you go or come, eat or drink, bless or ban, Pax Vobiscum carries you through it all. It is as useful to a friar as a broomstick to a witch or a wand to a conjurer. Speak it but thus, in a deep grave tone, Pax Vobiscum! It is irresistible-watch and ward, Knight and squire, foot and horse, it acts as a charm upon them all. I think, if they bring me out to be hanged tomorrow, as is much to be doubted they may, I will try its weights upon the finisher of the sentence. ("Wamba, son of Witless")
Sargent Shriver, a Catholic and Kennedy by marriage, as head of the Peace Corps and in association with a Coffin, might be considered to be in a sensitive position in relation to mystical onomatology.
In the ancient mysteries the aspirant could not claim a participation in the highest secrets until he had been placed in the Pastos, bed or coffin. The placing of him in the coffin was called the symbolical death of the mysteries, and his deliverance was termed a rising from the dead; the "mind," says an ancient writer quoted by Stobaeus, is afflicted in death just as it is in the initiation in the mysteries. And word answers to word, as well as thing to thing; for burial is to die and death to be initiated. The coffin in Masonry is found on the tracing boards of the early part of the last century, and has always constituted a part of the symbolism of the Third Degree, where the reference is precisely to the same as that of the Pastos in the ancient mysteries. [My emphasis.] (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)
President Kennedy sat at the head of a coffin table at the White House. To his back, over a fireplace, hung a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, an assassinated president. On either side of the picture were urns that resembled the type called "cinerary urns" which are vessels in which the ashes of the dead are kept.
A book about JFK was called Three Steps to the White House. In Masonry are what is known as the "three symbolical steps." "The three grand steps symbolically lead from this life to the source of all knowledge." (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)
It must be evident to every Master Mason without further explanation, that the three steps are taken from the darkness to a place of light, either figuratively or really over a coffin, the symbol of death, to teach symbolically that the passage from darkness and ignorance of this life through death to the light and knowledge of eternal life. And this from earliest times was the true symbolism of the step. (Ibid.)
The body of President Kennedy was placed in a coffin which was positioned in the center of a circle under the Capitol dome. The catafalque was "a temporary structure of wood appropriately decorated with funeral symbols and representing a tomb or cenotaph. It forms a part of the decorations of a 'Sorrow Lodge.' " This Masonic Encyclopedia entry refers to the ceremonies of the Third Degree in Lodges of the French Rite.
Pictures taken of the Kennedy coffin and catafalque show these two props of the funerary rite as a point in a circle. Fecundity is the symbolic signification of the Point within a circle and is a derivation of ancient sun worship.
Coffins, of course, also suggest Sumero/Chaldeo/Egpytian “Osiric” fertility cults, with the dead king murdered by being tricked into a coffin (e.g., the “King’s Chamber at Giza, with its “promise” of eternal life. Just get in, lie back, and relax, boy. Trust us!)
The Coffins that brought Lucretia Mott into the world were a New England whaling family – Nantucket, Massachusetts Quakers. Lucretia’s dead daddy, Thomas Coffin, Jr., was a sea captain who hunted sperm whales.
Hunting sperm whales, of course, was the obsession of Captain Ahab in the novels of New Bedford, Massachusetts writer Herman Melville.
British Naval officers and “sea captains” figure in the ancestry of Lucretia Coffin and hubby James Mott.
Long Island-born Quaker reformer James Mott (1788-1868) married Lucretia Coffin in 1811 after meeting her at a Quaker boarding school in Poughkeepsie, New York. Mott became a partner in the nail business Lucretia’s father had recently established in Philadelphia. Though he struggled in the aftermath of the War of 1812 and Panic of 1819, Mott eventually made progress in the cotton trade after 1822. About the same time, however, he and his wife became followers of Elias Hicks ( , ) a liberal Quaker who frowned upon even indirect support of the slave system. By 1830, then, Mott gave up his lucrative cotton enterprise to avoid the moral opprobrium of even indirectly supporting the “peculiar institution.” He made a successful transition to the wool trade and was able to retire in 1852. Though often portrayed in a mere footnote, Mott participated in many of the same conferences and activities as his better known wife, and even presided over some of the Seneca Falls convention sessions. One of the founders of Swarthmore College, Mott died of pneumonia while visiting a daughter in Brooklyn.
. . . .
Lucretia Coffin represented many of the old families of Nantucket, and a brief account of her ancestry will interest all of the descendants of Adam and Anne Mott.
The Coffin family in England is traced back to the time of William the Conqueror, when a Norman Knight, Sir Richard Coffyn, accompanied William in his invasion of England.
The knight doubtless had his reward, for "Sir Richard Coffyn of Alwington in Devonshire," became an hereditary name for centuries---from the reign of Henry I. to that of Edward VI. Richard Coffyn was Sheriff of Devonshire in the time of Henry VIII. Curious agreements in relation to boundaries between Sir Richard Coffyn and the Abbot of Tavistock are still preserved. In one of them the Abbot grants the privilege of his church to the Coffyn family.
The first of the family in America was Tristram Coffyn, as he still spelled the name, son of Peter and Joanne (Thimber) Coffyn of Brixham Parish, in the town of Plymouth, in Devonshire. They seem to have been people of considerable substance. Tristram married Dionis Stevens, and after his father's death he came to New England, bringing his mother with him. He was said to have been the first person who used a plow in Haverhill. He was a Royalist, and appears to have come to America to escape the Parliamentary party, of which Cromwell soon after this date became the ruling spirit. And several of Tristram's descendants were also Royalists in the time of the American Revolution.
Tristram Coffin was one of the original proprietors of Nantucket, but did not himself go there until the success of the colony had become assure. In 1660, he moved to Nantucket, taking with him his four children--James, John, Stephen and Mary.
Among Tristram Coffin's descendants may be counted Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin of the British Navy, and the Admiral's brother, General John Coffin of the British Army. Two of General Coffin's sons were also British Admirals. Sir Isaac Coffin gave ten thousand dollars to the school of his name in Nantucket.
An interesting account of the lives of James and Lucretia Mott by their granddaughter, Anna Davis Hallowell, is now in print. Something of their relations with Adam and Anne Mott has also found place in the preceding pages of this volume, down to about 1825-30. At that time James Mott had become a merchant in Philadelphia, dealing in cotton and in cotton goods.
About 1830, James Mott became unwilling longer to deal in anything produced by slave labor, and determined to give it up, whatever it might cost him. He took up in its place a wool business, handling wool and woolen goods, and at one time he was interested in a woolen mill near Philadelphia known as the Penn Factory. Business was but moderately successful for some years, and the factory was burned. But he struggled on, and in the end prospered, and about 1850 was able to retire from business with a moderate competence sufficient for all his needs. He was at this time 62 years old. They had been living for some years at No. 338 Arch Street, and the house became a social centre for many relatives and friends. About 1857 they removed to a small farm on the northern borders of the city of Philadelphia, on which a stone house stood near the road, whence the place took the name of "ROADSIDE."
This house, remodeled and enlarged, thenceforth remained their home for the rest of their lives, and "Roadside" has become a name full of pleasant and ennoblind associations to the relatives and to all the friends of the family.
Note in the above account the “granting” by the “abbot” of the “privilege of his church” to the Coffyn family – precisely as if “the church” belonged to the Coffyn, and not to God.
The Coffin family – flush with war-loot – arrived in the Colonies loaded to the gills – not to mention, titled (and therefore potentially landed in the emerging Colonies.)
OK. Let’s take this next section REAL SLOW.
Lucretia Coffin’s father established a nail business in Philadelphia. It’s in the genes, apparently.
(I mean, might as well hang a sign in front that says: “Masons Within. Crosses Built Cheap! Sacrificial Victims Extra!)
Mr. Peaceful-Quaker-Preacher, James Mott, married the scary Lucretia and thereby became a “partner” in Daddy Coffin’s “nail business.” Soon James switched to the cotton-trade. Sheep-shearing was more lucrative!
We’ve got Daddy Coffin as the crypt, James Mott as the Hammer, and Lucretia Mott as the nail that keeps masculinity crucified in this world.
Nice, respectable “family business.”
Between making nails and shearing sheep, the peaceloving Mr. Mott managed to organize and preside over many of the sessions at the Woman’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls. Indeed, he assisted his lovely Frankenstinian Bride with ferocious devotion in all her female-empowerment activities!
The Mott residence in Philadephia where the Seneca Falls Convention – and no doubt, much else – was planned, was at 338 Arch Street . . . an address suggestive not only of the ubiquitous arches in Masonic iconography and illustration, but of the ancient “arks” constructed by early “Masons” as Osiric caskets – the Hebrew Ark being only one example of “arks” or mobile deities built and used throughout the ancient Near East.
Crucial elements for the Hebrew Ark’s receptacle, the Temple, were built by Hiram in alliance with the (supposedly) monotheistic King Solomon. Hiram was a “craftsman” in metallurgy who ruled the pagan (godess-worshipping) Kingdom of Tyre. He is source for the semi-legendary Hiram Abiff, ancestor of Cain and of Tubal-Cain. Hiram is glorified today as the “father of Masonry.”
American occult elements are often linked, not surpisingly, to New England -- especially to Massachusetts and its whaling communites, like New Bedford. It’s no coincidence that major Catholic Church “priest-abuse” scandals occurred in Massachusetts. Particular attention was focused on incidents in the Fall River Diocese, which includes New Bedford and Martha’s Vineyard.
Why is this relevant to our subject?
Because sex-magic – especially involving children – is essential to the type of transtemporal, transcultural rites we are addressing. These rites are designed primarily to influence the mind via libido. In particular, access is sought to the collective or mass mind. Individuals OR entire cultures are susceptible to extreme influence, even control, via a brew of propaganda, suggestion, manipulation, trauma-inducement, sex, drugs, and related techniques.
Were the Massachusetts priests New World Order elitists in gowns . . . goddess-worshipping, necromantic sorcerers in disguise?
Very unlikely. They were stooges, mostly. Set up to be exposed, for far greater purpose than mere “individual justice.”
The desire behind all the skullduggery we’re describing is the destruction of masculinity, to return global supremacy to matriarchal elements, the Shadow aspects of femininity and masculinity.
A sex-scandal involving kids and priests kills two birds, one stone. First, it encourages molestation hysteria amongst the general population, a condition ALWAYS to the advantage of a matriarchy, especially an emerging one like America. Females are empowered by inciting hysteria concerning male sexuality. The more the masculine image can be demonized, the more Woman is enthroned. Simple. Ancient. Effective.
Second, the Catholic Church – already heavily feminized, at least in America – is massively weakened by the sex scandals. Priests are men. Men are evil, and cannot be trusted anytime, anywhere. Not coincidentally, the Catholic Church, as lost as it currently is, IS the only major institutional barrier between Western matriarchy and world dominion under the Goddess.
Just a coincidence, of course.
Let’s just say those scandals weren’t entirely spontaneous events. Professionals don’t make mistakes, folks, and believe your little dynamo: these forces are WAY BEYOND “professionals.” These are “spiritual powers in high places,” as old Paul put it. Politicians, generals, and corporate execs are merely their stooges.
The Massachusetts priests were undoubtedly influenced, to ensure the necessary results. That’s not to excuse the priests. But it is to point out that greater evils exist in the world than horny priests – and that’s from a former altar boy that’s been there.
Given the choice between Lucretia Mott and Father McGrabby, I’ll take my chances with the horndog.
At least I can run from him.
Lucretia has LOTS more friends, and she never let’s prey slip away.
Speaking of predators, note the Ahab reference below.
“Davis, Lance E., et al. In Pursuit of Leviathan: Technology, Institutions, Productivity, and Profits in American Whaling, 1816-1906. (Chicago: U Chicago Press, 1997). For a view into the difficulties of understanding these sex-segregated societies, see: Norling, Lisa. Captain Ahab Had a Wife: New England Women and the Whalefishery, 1720-1870. (Chapel Hill: UNC Press, 2000). Norling cites Margaret Hope Bacon's conventional wisdom about the beginnings of feminism among whaling Quakers (p. 53), and explains, "I thought I would look in New England maritime communities for the strong, independent women who has withstood the rising tide of Victorian domesticity along with their seafaring husband's regular absences... I did not find them." (p. 3). Specifically, she concludes, "Given the loneliness that so many of them expressed, it is surprising how few of the whalemen's wives appear to have engaged in the kind of intensely romantic relationships with other women described by [Caroll] Smith-Roseberg. Of course, this reflects the evidence that has survived rather than actual incidence, but concrete documentation of romantic friendship surfaced for just two of the several dozen women examined in this study [principally a stash of 155 dead-letters from a Victorian New Bedford post office].'"
“Ahab Had a Wife.” Indeed.
Apparently he had a daughter, too.
America’s King Ahab was Lucretia’s daddy, Thomas Coffin, Jr.
The Biblical Ahab (King of Israel, 869 - 850 BCE) fell into sin through influence of his wife Jezebel, the prototypical name for a wicked woman (Ahab, btw, built an ivory palace for Himself and Hunnybuns.) Jezzie turned Ahab from Yahweh to worship of her local Baal – that is, from observance of monotheism back to worship of the mother/son matriarchal duad. Solomon (reigned circa 971 to 930 BCE) made the same mistake a century earlier under influence of his wives, particularly the Queen of Sheba.
What was Jezebel’s principal occupation?
Hunting down and killing the “prophets of the Lord.”
Like Jesus, those “prophets” were – are -- men opposed to blood-sacrifice, vengeance, and the inevitable chaos of desolation that attends matriarchy, with females “empowered” collectively as citizens superior to males.
Some things just don’t change. “Female empowerment” is one of them. Ask John or Bobby.
Hey, ask Jesus . . . if you can raise him.
Nobody cares about that dead stiff, anyway . . . he’s just a sidenote to Mary Magdalene who, you see, was ACTUALLY Jesus’s WIFE, but the Evil Patriarchs didn’t want humanity to know that Jesus and Mary were equals, because the Sacred Feminine blah blah blah Ain’t I Wonderful?
Sells, though. Sells bigtime.
Always has.
Jesus, on ‘tother hand . . . he don’t sell.
Dig it – even little dynamo’s NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR has got a book out on the “Holy Grail” . . . you know, all about how the REAL ROYALTY is passed through the feminine bloodline, about how the Goddess has been cheated and humiliated and oppressed etc.
Everyone’s in on the Kraze. It’s all the rage. A Da Vinci Code on every corner, a neodruid behind every tree.
Kid you not. My NEIGHBOR! I live in the Middle of Nowhere!
He wants to instruct me – and all the wide world – about The Holy Grail!!
O my Goofy God in Heaven!! Do I tell him how to fix fucking cars?!
Where WILL it END!!
Anyway . . . in the Bible, Jezebel – the power behind Ahab’s throne (Hilary, Laura or Nancy, anyone?) is opposed by the prophet Elijah, one of the few Uppity Males who managed to avoid Queen Jezebel’s pogrom . . . er, I mean, her Campaign for Equality!
Notably, Jezzie was daughter of the King of Tyre. Tyre was an ancient Meditteranean port and island famous for Alexander’s siege, and for links with seafaring, trade, metallurgy, sacrficial magick, and occult rites of power. King Solomon allied with Hiram, King of Tyre, in the construction of the first Hebrew Temple, which was a housing/conductor for its “Ark.” The Ark was intermediary between Israel and God. As such, it was the manifest MALE REPRESENTATIVE of “Yahweh” and of monotheism and nascent “patriarchy” in the world. The nation of Israel constantly struggled, and often failed, to break free from the grip of matriarchy and its myriad Goddess cults (Asherah, to the Semitic tribes.)
Like King Ahab, King Manasseh of Judah (circa 687 to 642 BCE) relapsed into idolatry – specifically, the worship of the Goddess or Great Mother and her “son” in statuary, natural forms, temples, and groves. Manasseh – often equated with modern America as “Babylon” – set up an “asherah,” a wooden image of the goddess inside the Hebrew Temple. This wasn’t merely sacrilege. It refuted the very purpose of the Temple and Ark.
Since femaleness suffuses creation, the pure male is cast out. He has no right to life.
-- Camille Paglia
Why would the Ark – the central symbol, the very personage, of monotheism and masculinity – remain in a “Temple” with the goddess? The whole POINT of the Temple was to provide a MALE SANCTUARY for “Yahweh” that was CLOSED OFF from the influence of the Goddess, and by extension, from the influence of woman, and from the “priests” of the Goddess – the same “priests” who planned America as the seedbed of feminism, and of the NWO under Goddess Babylon.
Get the picture?
Hurricane Camille ain’t kidding. Femaless IS material existence. It is everywhere and everything.
In such a universe – as upon a Catholic altar – the male MUST HAVE a few precious square feet in which to BREATHE, FOR GOD’S SAKE!
And precisely as today, the male is excluded by custom and law – custom and law manipulated into place by feminism – from having any place of exclusive male refuge. The same “rules,” of course, don’t appy to women.
Somehow, they almost never do.
Ancient Near-Eastern cultures were always teetering on regression to matriarchy . . . when they weren’t practicing it outright.
In The Mothers, Briffault writes: "The Jewish rabbis themselves, at a comparatively late date acknowledged that the four matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah had occupied a more important position than the three patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. According to Robertson Smith the tribe of Levi was originally metronymous (matrilineal), being the tribe of Leah."
No wonder “Yahweh” was constantly kicking their butts!
So, that about cover’s Lovely Lucretia’s coffin-connections
Now let’s peek at her adopted name, Mott. It is equally instructive, especially in context of the modern necromantic cults mentioned above.
“Mot” was the name of the god of death in Ugaritic myth.
Here’s a passage from
Mot, the next offspring, who is Lord of the Underworld and the barren season then defeats Ba'al, enraging Ba'al's consort Anath, who ironically in the Ugarit form of the myth enters the fray as a Death Goddess upholding the paternal order. When Mot refuses to revive Ba'al, Anath kills and dismembers him, scattering his remains over the land.
Baal, now revived, undertakes a full-scale war against all the other gods, who are now referred to as the "Sons of Asherah," and is victorious. The death of Mot is conceived in a seven year cycle as representing the end of seven years of drought and famine.
In her role of Goddess of War and Death , Anath's lust for blood is unbounded: "Anat kills the people living in valleys, in cities and on the seashore and in the land of sunrise, until the cut off heads of soldiers were reaching to her belt and she was wading up to her waist in blood. Violently she smites and gloats, Anat cuts them down and gazes; her liver exhaults in mirth ... for she plunges her knees in the blood of soldiers, her loins in the gore of warriors, till she has had her fill of slaughtering in the house, of cleaving among the tables." After which, she, the Progenetress of Nations washed her hands of the blood of the slain, in dew and rain supplied by her brother Ba'al." (Walker 29, Cohn 1993 126)
"Anath was fertilized by the blood of men, rather than semen, because her worship dated all the way back to the neolithic, when fatherhood was unknown and blood was considered the only substance which could transmit life. Hecatombs of [100] men seem to have been sacrificed to Anath when her image was reddened with rouge and henna for the occasion.
Like the Lady of the Serpent Skirt, Anath hung the shorn penises of her victims on her goatskin apron or aegis."
"Anath's capacity to curse and kill made even the Heavenly Father afraid of her. When El seemed reluctant to do her bidding, she threatened to smash his head and cover his grey hair and beard with gore. He hastily gave her everything she asked, saying 'Whoever hinders thee will be crushed' " (Walker 30).
In the mythical cycle, "Mot too is [now] revived and once again challenges Baal to single combat. In the midst of the fighting, however, the sun-goddess, Spsi (Shapash), intervenes, advising Mot that no further combat is needed because El is now on the side of Baal. El, always patriarchal and judicious, has discerned that Baal in his defeat and resurrection has manifested a new form of order; as a patriarchal deity El must uphold this new order. The decree is made that Baal will rule during the seasons of fertility and Mot during the seasons of sterility and drought." – Grollier
There are many implications of this mythical cycle that underly the events of the Bible and overshadow and cast the die for the Christian heritage (Grollier Multimedia Encyclopedia 1993):
Firstly: "the myth forms a watershed for the understanding of myth and history throughout the Near East. "Egyptian, Hittite, Hurrian, and Ugaritic myths are present in this cycle. Moreover, Hesiod clearly made use of some of these mythological elements in his Theogony; Baal, Yamm, and Mot are directly related to Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades."
Secondly: "although the Old Testament contains a polemic against Baal, Asherah, and Astarte, some of the elements and practices of the Hebrews are best understood within the context of Canaanite mythology."
Thirdly: Anath as the death twin of Mari Lady of Birth, and the destroyer of the dying and reviving Mot plays a central, if concealed role in the crucifixion psychodrama
"Anath annually cast her death-curse anathema on the Canaanite god", fulfilling Mot's slaying of Ba'al and his destruction in turn by her. Mot stood for the barren season that slew its own fertile twin Aleyin, the son of Ba'al. "In typical sacred-king style Mot-Aleyin was the son of the virgin Anath and also the bridegroom of his own mother. Like Jesus the Lamb of God, Aleyin said 'I am the lamb which is made ready with pure wheat to be sacrificed in expiation.' " (Walker 31 [Larousse]).
"After Aleyin's death, Anath resurrects him and sacrifices Mot, telling him he has been forsaken by his heavenly father El." This is precisely the same father to whom Jesus cried " 'Eloi Eloi lama sabaschthani' - El El why hast thou forsaken me? ... and some said 'Behold he calleth for Elias' and one ran and filled a sponge with vinegar and put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink saying, 'Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down'. And Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost." (Walker 31, Mark 15:34
"The sacred drama included a moment when Anath broke Mot's reed scepter, to signify his castration, again foreshadowing a detail of the Christian Gospels. ... Naturally the god-killing Anath was much diabolized in patriarchial legends. Abyssinian Christians called her Aynat "the evil eye of earth". They said she was an old witch destroyed by Jesus, who commanded that she must be burned and her ashes scattered on the wind." (Walker 31)
St. Paul's excommunication curse "If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maran-atha derives from the more ancient curse of Anath:
Ana-tithenai: to set up, dedicate [a curse], maranatha: Our Lord [bridegroom], come.
Although the Ugaritic Mot was a male deity, note that the real power in this unending ritual of the “sacrifice” of MALE blood is the matriarchal goddess. She does the killing, the boys do the dying. She destroys and re-creates the male, and it is her word that commands the male in repetition of blood ritual.
Little dynamo can almost see her, hunched beneath the cross, weighed by grief, weeping quietly, abject in mourning.
In the night, when everybody’s gone, Pilate’s wife gives her towells, and “Anath” crawls around on her knees, sopping up the torture blood, the murder gristle.
Mustn’t let good blood go to waste!
Note in the above passage that the Ugaritic Great Goddess is deemed omnipotent even by the “Heavenly Father.”
This “mythological” passage, revealing the deep gynocentricity of the ancient Near East -- its blood-pagan roots, and the constant pull of regression to gynocracy -- shows clearly WHY Jesus (the real and present Jesus, not the castrati the denominations worship) was necessary, and still is necessary – more now, indeed, than ever.
The Goddess arranges an eternal combat between the “brother gods” (here, Mot and Baal; elsewhere, Osiris and Set, etc.). They are encouraged, often by questioning or betlittling their manhood, to fight each other in endless re-enactment of pagan blood-ritual – whether by formla war, or in much more subtle ways . . . like blowing out the back of a man’s head as he rides in a parade procession. In any and every case, the losers are always BOYS and MEN.
The winner is the controller of the Game: the “Great Goddess” and whatever lacky-boy she chooses to employ that particular century.
That’s why Jesus preached and demonstrated brotherhood, and why he told his Mom: “What have I to do with you, woman?”
Mom is used to Getting Her Way, and she will do anything – including destroying the world and herself – in order to Get Her Way. And there are always hungry New Fools eager to serve her.
Finally, following the “Mott” trail, here’s a quote from the Qim Tunes, an online document “authored” by five autistic men in the early 1990s. I consider Qim Tunes a potential “new testament” regarding masculinity (which doesn’t mean it supersedes or invalidates the Bible, btw.)
The autistic men, largely nonverbal, used finger-pointing techniques to spell out their communications. A primary-care worker named Tom Smith helped them, and eventually typed the document onto the Internet. Tom Smith “happens” to be a “masculist” – a prominent and outspoken men’s activist.
After studying the document, I wrote a series of commentaries for Qim Tunes, published on the Net as “Kin Notes.”
Here’s a relevant Qim Tunes quote:
Geof: In you, its Jed’s most hike. Try to make it remembered. Mike kin allies. (I have one "Mike" kin. A second cousin and a wonderful guy. But maybe he is referring to my friend Mike)
Brent: Sew Mercy.
Nick: Snot got our Motts VT X. Sun tunes not Lio.
Tom: Motts?
Brent: Your mit is more in the Mott family. (My fathers side of the family changed their name from Mott to Smith in the mid 1800’s. "Mit" is my FC hand.)
Tom: No one ever has heard me mention the Motts.
Brent: Using others for information. (Rubbing my face in frustration) Trust me. North sorts innocent. Tormenting the morning is natural. NY us. Turn for PMS. Roq Lord, Mike. We’re hiring him. Kort him. North avenges South. (My friend Mike is the quintisential Marxist - Nietzchean atheist)
Adrian: Store (quotes) track Monliness. Tout.
What goes around comes around, eh? Karma getting Instanter by the minute!
Thus we are returned to Lucretia Coffin and her husband and namesake, the Quaker warlock James Mott.
And Here we are. Not only is “democracy” not a barrier to neo-matriarchy, it’s Big Mama’s Best Buddy!
Turns out we – and increasingly, much of the planet – is ruled by a gynolatrous, necromantic “priesthood” selected from the “prime stock” of American colonialism and European “nobility.” Still think not?
The last two “candidates” for Presidency in our, uh, demonocracy are both CURRENT members of a tiny occult society practicing blood-magick and goddess-worship.
. . . That’s the “democracy” that America and its “patriarchal” President wants to export – along with female empowerment – around the globe. In service of its ends, America will use force, if necessary . . . or just for fun.
O Manasseh, what witchery has befallen thee? Your father Joseph is shamed, and you are an abomination before the LORD.
Come out of her, my beloved ones, for she has instructed her hunters against you. Flee from her wickedness and bloodlust. May God release her captives, and set them over her, as watch forever against evil.
“Wine is strong, the King is stronger, women are strongest, but Truth conquers all”
-- Inscription on Rosslyn Chapel, riddle solution that led directly to the rebuilding of the Second Temple of Jerusalem
This is great news! The Republicans are running a feminist woman-of-color to replace the Democratic feminist woman-of-color.
That'll stop the fundamental transformation of New Amerika! lol
A nation of zombies cannot tell right from wrong; this nation is long gone.
Anonymous, At
8:13 AM
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