Solar Interference

The Phoenix Phlash of March 8, 2012. Sol niger, the occult night-time sun.
I of the Storm at AF's.
In the "Ona Common Sense" still below, compare "halo" atop the AZ flag with Phoenix Phlash and the official Obama Campaign Logo. Check also resemblance of Giffords to t.v. reporter Andrea Robinson of Fox 10 News in Phoenix.
Biblically, a fox is a liar or deceiver. Andrea shares her surname with the First Lady.
The ObaMa election logo and Phoenix Phlash + road proves spot-on.
Followed by Occultpy-Gal striding the highways beneath that sphincterish orb.
Its all busy-busy , getting into position, one big liar cake Marc h 8th is International Day of Women.
"In 1997, dozens of people saw lights in a V-formation over Phoenix, a mystery that was captured on videotape and spurred calls for a government investigation."
V for a peace of Victory
Still grokking the previous epistle
aferrismoon, At
4:18 AM
There is so much going on in these images Ray..all melding into each other..and what is the "out come"..
Victory for a piece of V?
A13, At
5:46 AM
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