Same Old Same Old Rag
OK well, looks like the whole Ragnarok Business (see post of 10/5 though revisions are ongoing) ain't Going Away, big surprise there, eh?
Apologies to my Reader (and yes, my blogtracker confirms there is only uno!) for Even More Boring Links to Various Shit concerning that post
So here ya go Dear Reader, wherever and whoever you are, thanks alot Mom!!
This one's from today:
Girl May Lose Arm After School Snake Bite
Sun Oct 23,12:52 PM ET
POTTSTOWN, Pa. - A 14-year-old girl may lose her arm after being bitten by a poisonous copperhead snake at school, authorities said.
The snake was caught in Valley Forge by a 17-year-old male student, who took it in a shoebox to a drama club gathering at St. Pius X High School on Friday, Lower Pottsgrove Police Chief Ray Bechtel said. No regular classes were held that day, which was designated for staff development.
The boy was showing the reptile to other students when it bit the girl's finger, Bechtel said.
Yup, that'd be THE Valley Forge of Revolutionary War fame etc. -- the name also carries infernal/vulcanic connotations, doubly so given this incident occurred at a Catholic H.S.
"Bechtel," of course, is the name of one of the most powerful international corporations on the planet, with mucho military/industrial/intelligence involvement
The girl, whose name was not released by police, apparently threw the snake across the room and the boy threw it outside. The snake was not found, but authorities were able to identify it because the boy photographed it with his camera cellphone, said Bechtel.
The victim was treated at Pottstown Memorial Medical Center about 45 minutes after being bitten, he said.
"The doctors said if it had been a half-hour longer she would likely have been dead," said Bechtel.
However, police said she could still lose her arm.
Police did not have an update on the girl's condition Sunday. She had been in very serious condition at Hershey Medical Center.
No charges were filed but police said they were investigating.
Copperhead snake bites are typically not fatal but are extremely painful and may cause extensive scarring and loss of limb use, according to the North Carolina Cooperative Extension of North Carolina State University.
This one is included mainly for location -- Martinez, CA is just across the Carquinez Straits from Vallejo, a town figuring prominently in the Zodiac's activities, and along with sister-city Napa, in other occult events
Vitale Suspect Discussed Satan at School
by Michelle Locke, Associated Press Writer
MARTINEZ, Calif. Oct 21, 2005 — The teenager arrested in the slaying of a prominent defense attorney's wife once drew a pentagram on the ground at school and told other students he was reading from the book of Satan, according to former classmates.
Authorities would not identify the 16-year-old, but the boy's name was widely publicized after his arrest late Wednesday. Police were still working to determine a motive for the beating death of Pamela Vitale, the wife of lawyer and TV legal pundit Daniel Horowitz.
"Although we have a suspect, the investigation is still going on," sheriff's spokesman Jimmy Lee said.
Vitale, 52, was slain over the weekend at the hilltop estate where the couple were building their dream home in the wealthy San Francisco suburb of Lafayette. The teenager lived down the hill on a remote canyon road.
Ivan Golde, a friend of Horowitz and his co-counsel, said Horowitz didn't know the teen well.
"Dan knew the family somewhat but he didn't really know this kid. He had no connection to this kid," Golde told NBC's "Today" show Friday.
The suspect was described as a quiet student at Acalanes High School in Lafayette, where he stood out because of his attire.
"He was really gothic, always wore a long, dark jacket," said Kevin Etheridge, 16. "He'd hang out with a few kids, but he was pretty quiet, pretty much to himself."
Another student remembered him drawing a pentagram on the ground with chalk in junior high school and dancing around it with other students.
"He told people the book that he was carrying and reading from was the book of Satan," Keith Kingon said.
Kingon (?!) is an erk-y name, as is "Vitale" in the context of a killing with potential occult overtones -- the object of necromantic sorcery being the "capture" of a being's "vital essence" (or, as Zodiac puts it, a "paradice slave").
A man at the house where the suspect lived declined to comment Thursday as goats and chickens wandered around the property. A potbelly stove, a bathtub and dozens of baseballs littered the yard.
A strange ensemble, like a Raymond Carver short-story setting. The goat is pretty obvious from an occult p.o.v., and the chickens suggest the cockatrice.
The San Francisco Chronicle, citing an unidentified law enforcement source, reported that investigators believe the killing was related to a scheme that involved using stolen credit card numbers to fund a marijuana-growing operation.
The source said the boy had ordered equipment for the pot operation and mistakenly thought the supplies were delivered to Horowitz and Vitale's home, the newspaper reported on its Web site.
The teen went there Saturday looking for the equipment and got in a fight with Vitale, striking her dozens of times in the head with a piece of molding that was left behind at the scene, according to the source.
The boy apparently had scratches on his arms and legs from the fight, the newspaper reported.
If the boy is convicted of murder as an adult, he would face up to life in prison. If convicted as a juvenile, he would be freed on his 25th birthday. He is too young to face the death penalty.
Horowitz said he discovered his wife's body when he returned home after working on the case of Susan Polk, a woman accused of stabbing to death her therapist husband.
"She fought back very hard. That was very obvious from the scene," he said Wednesday, adding that his wife had a head wound.
Vitale, 52, worked part-time for her husband's law firm and had been in the front row of the courtroom during opening statements.
Horowitz rose to national prominence as a cable news commentator during the Scott Peterson murder trial. He was in seclusion Thursday as Vitale's memorial service was held in a private graveyard ceremony.
Finally, here's a photo of Hurricane Wilma (yes, yes, like Fred Flintstone screaming Wiiiiii-llllmaaa! as his CaveCat tosses him out his own front door).
Wilma also suggests the "Will of Ma" . . . just a coincidence, I'm shore. . . .

Wilma appears as a coiled serpent, and is especially ouroboric in that the dragon's "tail" (the hurricane center/eye) resembles a mini-snake's head, photographed precisely at Cuba's latitude. As of this writing, the "tail" or hurricane center is forecast to strike the Florida Keys/Southern Florida -- that is, the "head" of itself. In this sense, precisely in accord with its "mythic features," the ouroboric Serpent is poised to "swallow its own tail" -- to devour itself.
Rather rarely for an Invertebrate, lol -- the entity appears to have a backbone, in fairly distinguishable disc-like segments (one might even say Bone-Ring segments!) becoming more distinct as they near the "head."
. . . and what a Head it is! the southern half of the State of Florida, no less! . . . with Lake Okeechohee (Seminole for "big water") as the Serpent's Eye, and the Florida Keys its extended tongue and/or spitted venom!
Will-Ma seems to stare directly at Havana, Cuba -- not good news for Fidel, perhaps . . . and the coiled posture infers immediacy and potential threat (obviously, not necessarily in a merely meteorological sense).
The hurricane appears to realize a potential theretofore embodied only partially: Wilma is a real-time, transient, "profane" alliance of air and water activating or reviving the long-standing, "sacred" head or brain of the serpent -- the much more permanent, and therefore potent, landmass.
The temporary event of the hurricane reveals not only the short-term geopolitical conflict (U.S. vs Cuba), but also suggests an extremely long-term antagonism between the two landmass segments. The "head" of Will-Ma the Snake has both an ideo-political connection to American matriarchy, and a geo-political connection to Western oligarchic interests (i.e., the military-industrial complex has a male superstructure or facade, but female/matriarchal underpinnings).
In the pre-Columbian/shamanic p.o.v., of course, all facets of the natural world are assumed alive and conscious, with "places" and especially "landmarks" possessing and exhibiting distinct and ancient personalities. This feels alien, impossible, antithetical, and real skeery to the modern, rationalistic mind -- which is predictable and proper, given that the modern egoic mind/individual personality WAS and IS a "distancing" and differentiation FROM collective, shamanic, or -- dare we say? -- uroboric consciousness.
However, there is nothing intrinsically antithetical about the individual and collective states, and nothing irresolvable about Science and magic. Paradox is not equivalent to irreconcilable difference, and it is the destiny of the human mind to return to its collective roots without relinquishing egoic functioning.
Think not?
Then have another look at Will-Ma . . . 'cause methinks she's been looking at you!
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