Da Black Whole

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Sexes Faring Equally -- NOT!!

gee, whatta surprise!

now that American culture has spent the past four decades catering to every feminine whim imaginable, elevating females to godhood, demonizing, criminalizing and crushing masculinity, and establishing a (not very) covert matriarchy -- NOW our friends in the academy are assuring us that THERE IS NO PROBLEM!!

see!! girls 'n boys are FARING EQUALLY!! NO PROBLEMO!

lessee: could it be that the emerging Men's Movement is beginning to rattle the Cages of Gynocracy? because suddenly, we're not getting the Usual Propaganda about how maleness is a universal conspiracy to Keep Down Females

now we're getting the Updated Propaganda: hey, everybody's Equal, and let's all be Friends, huh?

now that boys and men are fourth-class citizens in their own country, well, suddenly it's time to call off the slavering Dogs of Feminism, and pretend that the massive (and codified) systemic discrimination against males and maleness in the modern West is . . . well, it's just an Illusion, see?

. . . so given that the Matriarchy's newest "study" has "revealed" that boys and girls are "faring equally" (lol!!) why, there's really no need for any Men's Movement, is there? . . . nor is there any need for resistance by Western men to their matriarchies within their own nations, nor to the spreading of those matriarchies (by coercion and war) to the rest of the planet


Boys, Girls Are Faring Equally, Study Finds

Wed Feb 23,12:00 AM ET

Top Stories - washingtonpost.com

By Rob Stein, Washington Post Staff Writer

Contradicting both sides in the long-running debate on whether boys or girls have it better in America, the most comprehensive examination of the overall well-being of male and female children has found that the sexes are faring about equally.

Although boys have the advantage in some areas and girls score better in others, they are doing about the same in a broad array of measures assessing essential dimensions of life, such as health, safety, economics and education, the researchers found.

"If you're on one side or the other of the gender-wars debate, you could pick a specific indicator to buttress your case," said Kenneth C. Land, a professor of demographic studies and sociology at Duke University, senior author of the study. "But if we take a step back a little and look at what the data say overall, we find that the two genders have tracked pretty closely."

The study drew immediate criticism from advocates and researchers on both sides, with many saying it glossed over crucial gaps between the sexes or used criteria that biased the results. But several experts praised the work, saying the findings could bridge the often bitter, polarized debate that occurs whenever the sexes are compared.

"This takes a more balanced view and shows that overall, it's not easier to be a boy in our society than it is to be a girl -- or vice versa," said Dalton Conley, director of the Center for Advanced Social Science Research at New York University. "We need to have a more fruitful discussion about the specific risks for each gender group, not a debate where each group is talking past each other."

The findings come amid an intense debate sparked by Harvard University President Lawrence H. Summers over math and science abilities of men and women. The study does not address that issue directly, although the researchers note that the edge boys tend to have on math tests is very small.

For the study, Land and his colleagues gathered data from a variety of large, ongoing studies, including federal health surveys, the census, crime statistics, government economic indicators and academic research projects, to track the progress of boys and girls from childhood through their early twenties between 1985 and 2001. The researchers combined 28 variables to create an Index of Child Well-Being, covering seven broad areas: health, safety, economic status, educational achievement, emotional and spiritual well-being, and social relationships.

The researchers did find differences between the sexes. For example, boys are more likely to commit crimes and be the victims of crime, but they tend to relocate less often and are less likely to be born underweight. Girls are more likely to attempt suicide but are less likely to use drugs and alcohol. Girls also score higher on reading tests and are more likely to graduate from high school and college.

Overall, the well-being of both girls and boys has improved at about the same rate and has tended to track in the same direction, the researchers concluded in a paper being published today in the journal Social Indicators Research. The study was funded by the Foundation for Child Development, a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research foundation in New York.

The findings drew immediate criticism from some feminist groups and scholars.

"This reminds me of that saying, 'lies, damn lies and statistics," said Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women (news - web sites).

"There's no question that boys and girls have disadvantages in different ways, but the variables they have chosen seem designed to show girls are doing better."

But researchers who have argued that boys are worse off than girls welcomed the findings.

"There were dozens of books claiming all sorts of misfortunes for girls," said Christina Hoff Sommers, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative Washington think tank. "This challenges the myth of the disadvantaged, short-changed girl."

David Sadker, a professor in the school of education at American University, said the study did not look at specific groups that are prone to problems, such as minorities.

"On a positive side, I think it's good to try to get beyond polemics and politics, and bring some sense of objectively to the issue, which I think they tried to do," Sadker said. "On the other side, this is an average, and I think the average covers up differences -- class and race differences. And this doesn't deal with the issue of sexual harassment."

He added: "We all know the guys are going on to make more money."


notice how even though we're all "equal" now, the academic lackeys of the gynocracy still manage to insert their feminist biases in their "objective" report: oops, we didn't "deal with the issue of sexual harassment," which Everybody Knows is oppression of females by them Evildoer Males

and likewise, note in the closing sentence how "We all know" that them Evildoer Males are still oppressing Pore Wimmins via the "make more money" myth

thus, even though the "study" has "found" that everything is Hunky Dory, and everybody's all Equal now, well, gosh, somehow, the little ladies are still getting cheated and oppressed, and therefore we're gonna have to maintain their superior and privileged cultural status (just to keep things Truly Equal, you understand, and only until still-oppressed females achieve that ever-elusive imaginative figment, "parity")

this "study" is yet another example of why Western folks should get their "news" from independant Internet sources, rather than from the Mouthpieces of Matriarchy that the media, academy and government are


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